
Having travelled extensively across Europe , the United States and Africa, Jan Schmidt, a Belgian by birth, first visited Ireland in the early eighties. Entranced by the mystical beauty of the Irish coastline, its people, culture and folklore, Jan swiftly established this island as his home. Working closely with animals and the natural environment has always been the motivational core of his life work and his photography reflects the fluency he has mastered over these elements over time. In his landscapes the camera captures the mystical: the haunting march of stony giants, sleeping sentinels guarding the coast, mirrored lakes holding the deepest secrets of the land and lonely glens whispering a magical history beyond the veil: images that translate the purity of an understanding brought about by many hours of watching the world through his lens. Jan's wildlife portfolio delicately coaxes the essence of his study to the surface expertly balancing the beauty of the natural environment and the majesty of the creature in the frame. A talent honed by a deep love and understanding of nature developed by a life time of respectful and appreciative observation.